Wel­come to Slam Dunk Tips! My newslet­ter designed to help you, and your busi­ness, become more suc­cess­ful. I share my pas­sion to help lead­ers lead and teams to succeed
Speak­ing Calendar
To engage me to speak to your orga­ni­za­tion, or to hear me speak at an upcom­ing event on the cal­en­dar below, con­tact my team at wecare@7ft4.com or 800.998.7067
Jun 21, 2017  Hern­don, Virginia
Jun 26, 2017 Grand Rapids, Michigan
Jul 12, 2017 Rose­mont, Illinois
Jul 14, 2017 Spring­field, MA
Jul 17, 2017 Los Ange­les, California
Jul 20, 2017 Col­orado Springs, Colorado
Jul 21, 2017 Las Vegas, Nevada
Jul 26, 2017 Chica­go, Illinois
Aug 1, 2017 Kansas City, Kansas
Aug 17, 2017 Austin, Texas
Aug 22, 2017 Oma­ha, Nebraska
Team­work and Safety
On the bas­ket­ball court, my job was to be there for my team­mates and pro­tect the bas­ket. I always had their backs and com­mu­ni­cat­ed that to them on the court. This gave my team­mates the con­fi­dence to play aggres­sive defense know­ing I was behind them, there to back them up. My job on the bas­ket­ball court was to be there­for team­mates. To always have their back and com­mu­ni­cate that to them on the floor.

Over the past ten years I have deliv­ered hun­dreds of Safe­ty pre­sen­ta­tions to com­pa­nies around the coun­try who are ded­i­cat­ed to being there for their employ­ees each and every day. To insure they watch out for each oth­er and go home safe­ly each night to their families.

No mat­ter the field you’re in, every job has some degree of risk. Safe­ty train­ing, prop­er equip­ment usage and a sharp eye will give you a base­line for secu­ri­ty. How­ev­er, true safe­ty comes from know­ing some­one else is look­ing out for you.
 A Case Study
A few years ago I did a series of pre­sen­ta­tions for a large util­i­ty com­pa­ny in the Midwest.
Their inter­nal research uncov­ered the shock­ing fact that 70% of all their work­place acci­dents occurred when some­one else, anoth­er employ­ee, was in close proximity.
70%! Where were their team­mates? Why didn’t they say something?
The com­pa­ny start­ed a cam­paign to train their teams to speak up, raise a hand or stop some­one who might be tak­ing an unnec­es­sary risk at work. They uti­lized the Four Com­mit­ments of a Win­ning and Safe Team to teach peo­ple to watch each other’s backs. They became a true team.
Do your team­mates know you have their back? Can they count on you to be there for them? To reset a job site or process before some­one gets hurt?
Action Step
Safe­ty tru­ly does start with you. The only way some­one else will be there for you is if you let them know you are there for them first. For their Safe­ty. Who will you start with? Home is always the eas­i­est place to start. Who will you pat on the back and say, let’s think this through one more time? If you com­mit your­self to pro­tect­ing oth­ers, you can expect to see a strong com­mit­ment to you in return. That’s true Safety.That’s teamwork!
“Mark always deliv­ers, 110% of the time, which is why he remains a favorite of IBM and Drury designs.” ‑Direc­tor, Drury Enter­tain­ment Group“Captivating and engag­ing!” Pres­i­dent, Lar­ry H. Miller Group“Entertaining & inspir­ing. Sur­passed expec­ta­tions!” ‑Senior VP, Cae­sars Entertainment“Mark has a def­i­nite GIFT! He made me laugh, cry and feel moti­vat­ed to improve myself.” ‑Employ­ee Spe­cial­ist, Utah State Uni­ver­si­ty­To See More Tes­ti­mo­ni­als Click https://7ft4.com/?page_id=21
We appre­ci­ate hav­ing you on our team and ask that if you know of com­pa­nies look­ing for an out­stand­ing speak­er to present at their upcom­ing meet­ing or event, please rec­om­mend they con­tact us at 800.998.7067 or wecare@7ft4.com.



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