Wel­come to Slam Dunk Tips! My newslet­ter designed to help you, and your busi­ness, become more suc­cess­ful. I share my pas­sion to help lead­ers lead and teams to succeed.


Speaking Calendar
To engage me to speak to your orga­ni­za­tion, or to hear me speak at an upcom­ing event on the cal­en­dar below, con­tact my team at wecare@7ft4.com.
Nov 5, 2016       Smithers, Canada
Nov 9, 2016       Salt Lake City, Utah
Nov 11, 2016     Scotts­dale, Arizona
Nov 18, 2016     Salt Lake City, Utah
Jan 6, 2017        Hutchin­son, Kansas
Jan 9–10, 2017   Orlan­do, Florida
Jan 9–11, 2017   Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Jan 17, 2017      Salt Lake City, Utah
Jan 18–19, 2017 Salt Lake City, Utah
Jan 24, 2017      Hunt­ing­ton Beach, California

Are your num­bers where you want them to be? Can your coach count on you down the stretch? What does it take to fin­ish strong?

As an NBA play­er I always want­ed to be in the game. Every minute of every game. I hat­ed sit­ting on the bench. But there are 12–15 guys on a team and only so much play­ing time to go around. The coach had to make a deci­sion. I always want­ed to be the play­er the coach could count on and would look to when the game was on the line.
It was great to be a starter, acknowl­edged by the crowd at the begin­ning of the game. But the great­est respect I received was to be count­ed on at the end of the game, when we need­ed the big score or the big defen­sive stop. Being a part of the five guys on the floor meant every­thing to me. Gut check time, three points down one minute to go!

Prepar­ing myself for that oppor­tu­ni­ty took years of hard work, prepa­ra­tion and good coach­ing. The result­ing con­fi­dence, how­ev­er, was incredible.I knew I could per­form when asked.
Are you that per­son? The one who is ready and able to per­form when the goal is on the line? The go to play­er? Assess your tal­ents and skills. What else could you do to help your team fin­ish the year and hit your numbers?
Action Step
It might be time to hud­dle with your coach or your team and deter­mine the best strat­e­gy for the last few weeks of the sea­son. Share your ideas, cre­ate a plan and get out there on the court! Your team is count­ing on you!

Mark always deliv­ers, 110% of the time, which is why he remains a favorite of IBM and Drury designs.” ‑Direc­tor, Drury Enter­tain­ment Group“Captivating and engag­ing!” Pres­i­dent, Lar­ry H. Miller Group“Entertaining & inspir­ing. Sur­passed expec­ta­tions!” ‑Senior VP, Cae­sars Entertainment“Mark has a def­i­nite GIFT! He made me laugh, cry and feel moti­vat­ed to improve myself.” ‑Employ­ee Spe­cial­ist, Utah State Uni­ver­si­ty­To See More Tes­ti­mo­ni­als Click https://7ft4.com/?page_id=21


We appre­ci­ate hav­ing you on our team and ask that if you know of com­pa­nies look­ing for an out­stand­ing speak­er to present at their upcom­ing meet­ing or event, please rec­om­mend they con­tact us at 435–565-1585 or wecare@7ft4.com.

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