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The Four Commitments of a Winning Team

Released April 3rd, 2018 


The Four Com­mit­ments of a Win­ning Team enables indus­try lead­ers, teams and indi­vid­u­als to out­smart, out­last and out­per­form their com­pe­ti­tion and achieve record-break­ing suc­cess. In this book Eaton shares the lessons he learned in his incred­i­ble jour­ney from 21-year-old auto mechan­ic to record-break­ing NBA All-Star, dis­tilled into a sim­ple but pow­er­ful plan of action. This book will help you—whether you’re a CEO, team leader, or individual—inspire, strength­en, and moti­vate your team to new heights.

Praise for the Four Commitments

Mark Eaton is not just a bas­ket­ball play­er. He is an NBA All-Star bas­ket­ball play­er who played on win­ning teams with win­ning All-Star team­mates. Mark’s new book, “The Four Com­mit­ments of a Win­ning Team” explains how his ded­i­ca­tion to excel­lence, team play, and atti­tude cre­at­ed his shot-block­ing dom­i­nance and self­less team play. Mark’s sto­ry is both inspi­ra­tional to all, and trans­fer­able to you. This book will change your per­spec­tive on rela­tion­ships, per­son­al ded­i­ca­tion, and win­ning. BUY IT NOW!
Jef­frey Gitomer

Author of The Lit­tle Gold Book of YES Attitude

I rec­om­mend The Four Com­mit­ments of a Win­ning Team to any busi­ness or insti­tu­tion that desires a more cohe­sive, pro­duc­tive work envi­ron­ment. All-Star Mark Eaton con­firms that the spir­it of excel­lence he demon­strat­ed on the bas­ket­ball court is embod­ied in every­thing he does, includ­ing this book.
Richard Paul Evans

#1 New York Times best­selling author Chair­man, Christ­mas Box Inter­na­tion­al, Christ­mas Box International

Win­ning bas­ket­ball play­er. Win­ning busi­ness per­son. Win­ning speak­er. Win­ning per­son. Want to be a win­ner? Get this book.
Sam Richter

Best sell­ing author, speak­er, entre­pre­neur, SBR World­wide, LLC

Mark Eaton is a spe­cial human being and inspi­ra­tional com­mu­ni­ca­tor, as any­one lucky enough to read The Four Com­mit­ments of a Win­ning Team will see. His biggest gift is not his height but his men­tal tough­ness, which is a skill that any team­mate can devel­op — no mat­ter how short or tall you are.

Pablo S. Torre


Mark Eaton has spent his whole life involved in team­work, coach­ing, and win­ning. His book, The Four Com­mit­ments of a Win­ning Team is the most clear and con­cise pre­scrip­tion for excel­lence in lead­er­ship and team­work avail­able. Read this now and win!
Ben­jamin Hardy


“The per­son you want on YOUR team is Mark Eaton.  He epit­o­mizes lead­er­ship and con­tri­bu­tion.  A schol­ar and an ath­lete, he is a role mod­el for each of us.  Whether in busi­ness, com­mu­ni­ty or at home, The Four Com­mit­ments of a Win­ning Team are applic­a­ble and rel­e­vant.  Well done, Mark, and thank you for who you are and what you do.”
Sted­man Graham

Speak­er, Author, Entreprenuer

Mark Eaton, a very BIG guy with an equal­ly BIG NBA career, shares his BIG ideas for suc­cess in “The Four Com­mit­ments of a Win­ning Team.”  Fol­low his sim­ple game plan to build a dream team that can help you come out on top.

Har­vey Mackay

#1 New York Times best­selling author of Swim With The Sharks With­out Being Eat­en Alive

Best book on team­work I have ever read! Mark Eaton is the per­fect man to deliv­er it.
Rudy Ruet­tiger

Notre Dame Foot­ball Play­er, Moti­va­tion­al Speaker

Our Cus­tomer Ser­vice group received the #1 rank­ing in our indus­try by employ­ing Mark’s “Four Com­mit­ments of a Win­ning Team!”
Kevin M. Kempin

President/CEO HEAD North America

The same way Wilt Cham­ber­lain taught Mark Eaton about his role on the bas­ket­ball court, Eaton teach­es you about your role on your work team. The Four Com­mit­ments of a Win­ning Team is your play­book to becom­ing an All-Star team mem­ber who builds trust, earns respect and cre­ates success.

Shep Hyken

New York Times best­selling author of The Amaze­ment Revolution


Mark Eaton is a 7′4″ NBA All-Star, moti­va­tion­al speak­er, entre­pre­neur, and author. He is pas­sion­ate about shar­ing his team­work mes­sage and has spo­ken to many world-class orga­ni­za­tions, includ­ing IBM, FedEx, Phillips 66, Cae­sars Enter­tain­ment, HEAD USA, Big O Tires, TD Amer­i­trade, Farm­ers Insur­ance, T‑Mobile, The Wal­dorf-Asto­ria, Habi­tat for Human­i­ty, LG—as well busi­ness­es, gov­ern­ment agen­cies, uni­ver­si­ties, and non­prof­its at every lev­el.  He has been fea­tured as a team build­ing expert in print and online pub­li­ca­tions such as,, Sports Illus­trat­ed, and NBA TV.

In addi­tion to his work on team build­ing, Eaton is man­ag­ing part­ner in two award-win­ning restau­rants in Salt Lake City, Tus­cany and Franck’s, which was vot­ed Best Restau­rant in Utah.

When Mark is not speak­ing, writ­ing, or work­ing he enjoys trav­el­ing with his wife Teri, horse­back rid­ing, ski­ing, moun­tain bik­ing and the out­doors. He lives in Park City, Utah with his wife, chil­dren, hors­es, dogs, and barn cats.

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