Thank you to all of our Bureau part­ners! Here is a quick 2 minute read to help you build stronger relationships!
Speak­ing Calendar
To hear me speak at an upcom­ing event on the cal­en­dar below, con­tact my team
Salt Lake City, UT Sep­tem­ber 13
San Anto­nio, TX Sep­tem­ber 15
Chica­go, IL Sep­tem­ber 17
Moab, UT Sep­tem­ber 26
Cen­tralia, WA Octo­ber 10

In an unprece­dent­ed move last month, the NBA Play­ers Asso­ci­a­tion announced it was fund­ing a pro­gram to pro­vide health care cov­er­age for all retired play­ers with at least three years of ser­vice. In the world of pro­fes­sion­al sports, this is an his­toric event to say the least. And frankly, it is a stark con­trast to the pop­u­lar­ly held belief that ALL pro ath­letes are self-cen­tered and self-serv­ing. Even retired ath­letes can fall vic­tim to the default par­a­digm of com­par­i­son: “Hey you have so much, why aren’t you doing more for us?” The recent deci­sion by cur­rent NBA play­ers, like Chris Paul and LeBron James, has cer­tain­ly shat­tered that poor­ly held assump­tion. They have proven that they do indeed have the retired play­ers’ backs. They are look­ing out for, and pro­tect­ing, those who came before them. They care about the entire NBA team.

Have you ever felt some­one should be doing more for you or for your team?
I believe every­one wants to feel pro­tect­ed, to know some­one has their back and their best inter­est in mind. In many cas­es we are looked after by employ­ers through health insur­ance and oth­er ben­e­fits that may come with the job. How­ev­er, when you get to the heart of the mat­ter, I believe what we val­ue most is the knowl­edge and feel­ing that those close to us tru­ly care. The feel­ing that those we work with are there for us when need­ed. Those actions and sen­ti­ments make all the difference.
Take a look around the office. Who would you seek out if you real­ly had a prob­lem or need­ed to talk? Who would come to you? Have you asked any­one to lunch recent­ly? Chat­ted over a cup of cof­fee to see how some­one in your cir­cle of influ­ence is doing—personally or pro­fes­sion­al­ly? Are you pro­tect­ing your friends, fam­i­ly, or co-work­ers in some way?
Part of being on a team is tak­ing a step beyond just show­ing up and doing a job. Sim­ply check­ing in reg­u­lar­ly will give you valu­able insight on the well-being of oth­ers, improve morale and ulti­mate­ly, the bot­tom line.

Action Step

Write down the names of 3 peo­ple you need to let know this week that you have their back–this can be co-work­ers, fam­i­ly mem­bers or friends. Pick a day this week and exe­cute the play. Let them know you’re there for them.

Bul­lets for Pitch­ing Mark

• At 7’4” tall, Mark is an awe-inspir­ing pres­ence on stage!
Atten­dees love meet­ing Mark and tak­ing pic­tures with him.• Mark has an incred­i­ble and unique suc­cess sto­ry of transformation–
going from a 21 year old auto mechan­ic to an NBA All Star.• He teach­es orga­ni­za­tions how to get rid of inter­nal competition.
• His Pre­sen­ta­tion is called, The Four Com­mit­ments of a Win­ning Team!

• His engag­ing and inspir­ing sto­ry has pow­er­ful, action­able, take-aways

• Keynotes and breakouts.

Click the icons below to con­nect with me on Face­book, Twit­ter, Insta­gram and LinkedIn!

Tumeur de la prostate : pronostic en fonction du stade, du grade et du risque
Tumeur de la prostate : pronostic en fonction du stade, du grade et du risque


Fol­low this link to vis­it my web­site:

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