Wel­come to Slam Dunk Tips! My newslet­ter designed to help you, and your busi­ness, become more suc­cess­ful. I share my pas­sion to help lead­ers lead and teams to succeed.
Speak­ing Calendar
To engage me to speak to your orga­ni­za­tion, or to hear me speak at an upcom­ing event on the cal­en­dar below, con­tact my team at wecare@7ft4.com.
April 19th Naples FL
April 25th Albu­querque, NM
May  3rd  Dubuque, IA
May 11th New Orleans, LA
Dur­ing my NBA Career I had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to play in 75 Play­off games. Every sin­gle one of those games was excit­ing. The crowds were loud­er, the media atten­tion increased and a pal­pa­ble buzz could be felt in the lock­er room and around the city. Play­ing against the best of the best to see who would come out on top was invig­o­rat­ing. It was a time we dou­bled down on prepa­ra­tion and turned up the inten­si­ty of our play and communication.


Before every play­off game our coach­ing staff would pre­pare us with moun­tains of per­ti­nent sta­tis­tics. We knew how many times James Wor­thy drib­bled left or right and his cor­re­spond­ing shoot­ing per­cent­age; Gary Pay­ton’s favorite tar­gets on the move and how many times Hakeem Ola­ju­won went to the mid­dle ver­sus his base­line jumper. It was impor­tant infor­ma­tion but we had to keep it all in con­text. As play­ers we had to focus on our strengths and com­mit to a high­er lev­el of com­mu­ni­ca­tion to win. Each pos­ses­sion was so impor­tant the only way to stay on top was to keep a close eye on our team­mates and our com­peti­tors. We talked out on the floor and in the hud­dle, mak­ing small adjust­ments as each play pro­gressed. Most peo­ple close down when the game gets stress­ful, we had to do just the oppo­site. Exchang­ing our ideas in real time gave us the edge we need­ed to get to the next level.
Action Step
To increase the buzz in your office and cre­ate a play­off atmos­phere, be atten­tive to the lit­tle nuances, changes and feed­back you receive and make adjust­ments. What are your cowork­ers, boss and cus­tomers com­mu­ni­cat­ing to you? What are you learn­ing from the com­pe­ti­tion? Are you strate­giz­ing with your team­mates? This month, dou­ble down on your game. Increase your inten­si­ty in your role and com­mu­ni­ca­tion with oth­ers. To win today, make sure every­one is on the same page!
“Our Cus­tomer Ser­vice group just received the #1 rank­ing in our indus­try by employ­ing many of the con­cepts Mark deliv­ered to our group.”
~ President/CEO ~ HEAD North America“Mark always deliv­ers, 110% of the time, which is why he remains a favorite of IBM and Drury designs.” ‑Direc­tor, Drury Enter­tain­ment Group­Mark, your pre­sen­ta­tion was one of the best our mem­bers have seen!”
Your heart­felt sto­ry hit home to many. Your pre­sen­ta­tion was an inspir­ing kick-off to a suc­cess­ful meet­ing. The mes­sage was pro­fes­sion­al, enter­tain­ing and clear­ly above the rim!” ~ Pres­i­dent ~ Soci­ety of Qual­i­ty Assurance“Entertaining & inspir­ing. Sur­passed expec­ta­tions!” ‑Senior VP, Cae­sars Entertainment
“Mark always deliv­ers, 110% of the time, which is why he remains a favorite of IBM and Drury designs.” ‑Direc­tor, Drury Enter­tain­ment Group

Enter­tain­ing & inspir­ing. Sur­passed expec­ta­tions!” ‑Senior VP, Cae­sars Entertainment

Mark has a def­i­nite GIFT! He made me laugh, cry and feel moti­vat­ed to improve myself.” ‑Employ­ee Spe­cial­ist, Utah State University

To See More Tes­ti­mo­ni­als Click https://7ft4.com/?page_id=21


We appre­ci­ate hav­ing you on our team and ask that if you know of com­pa­nies look­ing for an out­stand­ing speak­er to present at their upcom­ing meet­ing or event, please rec­om­mend they con­tact us at 435–565-1585 or wecare@7ft4.com.

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