August 2015
Wel­come to Slam Dunk! My month­ly newslet­ter designed to help you, and your busi­ness, be more suc­cess­ful. I share my pas­sion to help lead­ers lead and teams to succeed.


Speak­ing Calendar
To engage me to speak to your orga­ni­za­tion, or to hear me speak at an upcom­ing event on the cal­en­dar below, con­tact my team at
Moon Town­ship, PA August 4
Mack­i­naw City, MI August 6
Afton, WY August 20
Ogden, UT Sep­tem­ber 1
Salt Lake City, UT Sep­tem­ber 15
Chica­go, IL Sep­tem­ber 17



5 Min­utes That Changed My Life

As a young man I played col­le­giate bas­ket­ball at UCLA. One sum­mer I was on cam­pus play­ing pick-up games with a mix of col­lege play­ers and NBA stars like Mag­ic John­son, Michael Coop­er and James Wor­thy. I spent the games try­ing to keep up with the faster play­ers, but I just was­n’t able to. While tak­ing a break, lean­ing over and feel­ing sor­ry for myself, I felt a huge hand on my shoul­der. I looked up and found myself face to face with Wilt Cham­ber­lain, arguably the best bas­ket­ball play­er to ever play the game. Wilt looked at me and said, “Lis­ten young fel­la, you are NEVER going to catch those play­ers! But more impor­tant­ly, it’s not your job.” Wilt pulled me out on the court, posi­tioned me under the bas­ket and said, “You see that bas­ket behind you? Your job is to stop play­ers from get­ting there. Your job is to make them miss their shot, col­lect the rebound, throw it out to the guard and then let them go score. Then your job is to cruise up to half court and see what’s going on.” From that point for­ward I under­stood my role. I knew that if I focused on becom­ing great at that role, I would be a huge ben­e­fit to my team.
Know Your Role
Just like on a bas­ket­ball team, know­ing your role on a busi­ness team is extreme­ly impor­tant. For your team to reach the high­est lev­el of suc­cess, it is impor­tant that each mem­ber finds their role and focus­es sole­ly on doing that role. For instance, if you are great at sales then you should focus on sales and not man­age­ment. No one is expect­ed to be great in all aspects of busi­ness. How­ev­er, every­one in a busi­ness envi­ron­ment does have a cer­tain skill they bring to the table. If every­one focus­es on being great at the par­tic­u­lar skill they are best at, the team and busi­ness as a whole becomes great in all aspects.
Action Step
Now it is time to define your role! Go out and ask 5 co-work­ers or col­leagues whom you work with on a reg­u­lar basis what they think your great­est strength is. Using the feed­back they give you, think about what your role in your busi­ness is. Now focus on that strength this month and see how it helps oth­ers focus on their role and watch your suc­cess as a team skyrocket!
We appre­ci­ate hav­ing you on our team and ask that if you know of com­pa­nies look­ing for an out­stand­ing speak­er to present at their upcom­ing meet­ing or event, please rec­om­mend they con­tact us at 435–565-1585 or

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