
Per­for­mance QUIZ:


What’s the great­est chal­lenge fac­ing busi­ness­es today?


No, it’s not “the econ­o­my,” mar­ket­ing, lack of inno­va­tion, the wrong prod­uct or ser­vice or even leadership.


It’s peo­ple not doing what they need to do… because their atten­tion is elsewhere


It’s your peo­ple focus­ing on their prob­lems with the oth­er peo­ple in your orga­ni­za­tion rather than on solv­ing your customer’s problems.


Find out if inter­nal com­pe­ti­tion is sap­ping your team’s strength.


Take the quiz NOW!

Choose True or False for each statement.

  • You are trou­bled because work­place con­ver­sa­tion is about office pol­i­tics rather than busi­ness objec­tives. TRUEFALSE
  • You’ve noticed that just get­ting peo­ple on the “right seat on the bus” isn’t enough. TRUEFALSE
  • You’ve seen that employ­ees are not eager to help each oth­er advance in the work­place. TRUEFALSE
  • You wish your work envi­ron­ment was char­ac­ter­ized by more loy­al­ty and trust. TRUEFALSE
  • You’re frus­trat­ed by the inabil­i­ty of your group to com­mu­ni­cate effec­tive­ly, resolve con­flicts and pull togeth­er. TRUEFALSE


If you answered TRUE to even one of these state­ments your organization’s poten­tial is blocked!


When peo­ple are focused on the inter­nal com­pe­ti­tion instead of the exter­nal com­pe­ti­tion com­pa­nies are eat­en up alive.


Noth­ing will take a team down faster than slan­der, sab­o­tage and disrespect.quiz_image
Lack of team work is the silent killer in busi­ness today.

How’d you do?

Almost ThereIf you have ONE true state­ment, you’re on your way to the top… after a few tweaks from hear­ing Mark’s speech! 


pretty_goodIf TWO state­ments are true, achiev­ing amaz­ing results is up to you. Sched­ule Mark to present to your group and make it happen! 


not_badIf THREE state­ments are true, you’re leav­ing mon­ey on the table. Have Mark turn your group into a team, and see prof­its soar! 


ouchIf FOUR state­ments are true, it’s time to face the music and unite your team. Don’t wait for your next event, book Mark immediately! 


yikesIf all FIVE state­ments are true, don’t wait anoth­er minute! Take action NOW to out­smart, out­last and out­per­form your real competition!

Turn your group into a high-per­for­mance team now! 


Mark has a great sto­ry to tell about find­ing a belief in one’s self
and then putting forth the ener­gy to achieve what oth­ers may not have believed he could do.”
Richard Nel­son  ~  Pres­i­dent, Chief Oper­at­ing Offi­cer  ~  Lar­ry H. Miller Man­age­ment Company

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