


The Four Com­mit­ments of a Win­ning Team 
Get your team into action and achieve break­through results


If you want to lead your team to greater heights in per­for­mance and achieve­ment, you need to hear Mark Eaton’s sto­ry. In this high-ener­gy, insight­ful pre­sen­ta­tion, Mark shares how he rose from auto mechan­ic to NBA All-Star and, after twelve amaz­ing years with the Utah Jazz, rein­vent­ed him­self and became a busi­ness leader, entre­pre­neur, radio and TV per­son­al­i­ty and sub­ject of a soon-to-be released film.keynote_mark


You’ll expe­ri­ence the excite­ment and dra­ma of how he chal­lenged him­self and his beliefs and found the courage to keep going and achieve suc­cess beyond any­thing he thought pos­si­ble. You’ll get the inside sto­ry on what it takes to win, and dis­cov­er how to turn your peo­ple into top per­form­ers by apply­ing the con­cepts that cre­ate sports super­stars to the world of busi­ness. Mark gives you proven strate­gies and pow­er­ful, action­able ideas you can use imme­di­ate­ly to cre­ate break­throughs in your work­place and inspire your team to start play­ing a big­ger game.


Imag­ine the val­ue as you discover:


  • What it takes to con­sis­tent­ly play at the top of your game
  • How to build the trust and loyalty
  • The secret to estab­lish­ing an inspir­ing, ener­giz­ing and har­mo­nious work environment


This is a must-attend talk if you want to attain your high­est lead­er­ship goals, max­i­mize your team’s poten­tial and devel­op a game plan to turn every mem­ber of your orga­ni­za­tion into a peak-per­former! Click Here to book this keynote today

Most inspir­ing keynote we have had in 12 years.”
Bob­by D. Rob­bins ~ Safe­ty Direc­tor ~ Cobb Mechan­i­cal Contractors





The Four Com­mit­ments of a Win­ning Team Plus
Cre­ate action plans now!


They’ve heard the keynote, now they’re ready to get into action. With this inter­ac­tive pre­sen­ta­tion there’s no need to wait until it’s over. This dynam­ic break­out ses­sion will ramp up the action, out­comes and ener­gy! Your group will craft dynam­ic action plans right on the spot that will:breakout_image


  • Elic­it extra­or­di­nary com­mit­ment day after day
  • Cre­ate a col­lab­o­ra­tive and inno­v­a­tive organization
  • Elim­i­nate con­flict and inter­nal com­pe­ti­tion in the workplace
  • Infuse your team with the ener­gy nec­es­sary to pro­duce out­stand­ing outcomes


Your team will return to work empow­ered by com­mit­ments and strate­gies they can imple­ment imme­di­ate­ly to achieve their most impor­tant goals. Call for details!

Your team build­ing pre­sen­ta­tion will help employ­ees to work together
and real­ly look out for each oth­er in a way that I did­n’t think was possible!”
Eddie L. Cox ~ President/General Man­ag­er ~ Cen­tra­Com Interactive





Build Your Dream Team
Turn every mem­ber of your team into a peak performer,
and take your team to the top of the biggest game out there!


In this trans­for­ma­tive pro­gram, Mark will take you on a fas­ci­nat­ing jour­ney to attain an aston­ish­ing under­stand­ing of your­selves, your team mem­bers and the peo­ple you need to reach. You will be astound­ed by your new-found per­cep­tion of what moti­vates and dri­ves your team mem­bers, your cus­tomers and the peo­ple you need to reach. You’ll be on the edge of your seats, cap­ti­vat­ed by the fas­ci­nat­ing infor­ma­tion he reveals. You’ll be laugh­ing as you see your­selves and every­one else in a new way and under­stand why peo­ple respond the way they do at a lev­el you nev­er thought pos­si­ble. For the first time, you’ll tru­ly under­stand peo­ple you may have spent years work­ing with!


In this unique inter­ac­tive pre­sen­ta­tion, you’ll find out how to:training_program_image


  • Iden­ti­fy each team member’s pur­pose, posi­tion and value
  • Unlock the hid­den poten­tial of every mem­ber of your team
  • Facil­i­tate authen­tic com­mu­ni­ca­tion between team members
  • Rev­o­lu­tion­ize, recharge and restore har­mo­ny in every key relationship 


You’ll be inspired, ener­gized and excit­ed, and able to hon­or those around you with greater accep­tance and under­stand­ing of their strengths, tal­ents, needs and poten­tial. This is an expe­ri­ence that tran­scends learn­ing; it’s one of bond­ing and rev­e­la­tion. You and your team will become an unstop­pable force empow­ered with a plan to uti­lize every­one’s tal­ents and skills, and reach into the hearts and minds of your cus­tomers. Call now to sched­ule this impor­tant sem­i­nar for your organization!

I’ve engaged Mark twice now to speak to busi­ness groups,
and I’ve been very impressed with his pro­fes­sion­al­ism, his kind­ness, his sto­ry and his insights.
If you’re look­ing for a big man with a big pres­ence and a big dose of infec­tious moti­va­tion to share,
Mark has you covered!”
Bryan Pope ~ Founder ~ Mar­ket­ing Suc­cess Institute





The Four Com­mit­ments of a Win­ning Sales Team 
Take the lead, start play­ing a big­ger game and take your sales to the top!

Dis­cov­er the secret of being the go-to play­er on your customer’s team. In this exhil­a­rat­ing, inter­ac­tive pro­gram, Mark will take you beyond the known and famil­iar to uncov­er your abil­i­ty to earn your customer’s con­fi­dence … and business!


You’ll engage in chal­leng­ing, high-lev­el con­ver­sa­tions that will empow­er you to:



  • Find out exact­ly what your cus­tomers REALLY want from you
  • Iden­ti­fy the one thing that will make you outstanding
  • Dis­cov­er the secret to endur­ing and prof­itable relationships
  • Cre­ate an envi­ron­ment of gen­eros­i­ty, com­mit­ment and pos­si­bil­i­ty… where sales soar


You won’t want to miss this oppor­tu­ni­ty to get these essen­tial con­cepts and strate­gies that you can use right now to achieve the kind of suc­cess you’ve only dreamed of!

Most pre­sen­ta­tions tend to drag. This one went too fast!”
Sue Bar­bi­an ~ Claims Rep­re­sen­ta­tive ~ Bridge­man Foods




The Four Com­mit­ments of a Win­ning and Safe Team
Take your team to the next lev­el of suc­cess and safety

Expe­ri­ence the dra­ma and excite­ment of NBA bas­ket­ball as Mark Eaton shares the amaz­ing sto­ry of how he found his extra­or­di­nary abil­i­ty and rose from auto mechan­ic to NBA All-Star. Get ready to get into action as Mark shows you how to apply the strate­gies of sports coach­ing to build your dream team and take your orga­ni­za­tion sky high. This aston­ish­ing action-packed pre­sen­ta­tion will pro­vide your team with proven action­able ideas that will impact their com­mit­ment to each oth­er and to the safe­ty and well-being of every­one in your work­place by:


  • Clar­i­fy­ing how hon­or­ing each team member’s strength and role is of crit­i­cal impor­tance to the suc­cess and safe­ty of the team
  • High­light­ing that the only way to ensure their well-being is to ensure the safe­ty of all
  • Demon­strat­ing how pro­fes­sion­al suc­cess is direct­ly relat­ed to the will­ing­ness to pro­mote the secu­ri­ty of every mem­ber of their team
  • Edu­cat­ing your team about how respond­ing to the requests and require­ments of oth­ers and fol­low­ing safe­ty pro­ce­dures will make them invaluable

Your team will be on the edge of their seats, laugh­ing, empow­ered and eager to get out there and do it differently.

This sum­mit was rat­ed the best we’ve ever had thanks to your presentation!
You’ve made a tremen­dous dif­fer­ence and hope­ful­ly we’ll make con­tin­u­ing strides
in improv­ing our safe­ty expe­ri­ence due to your influ­ence and message.”
Roger Cas­tles ~ Cor­po­rate Safe­ty & Health ~ Con­sumers Energy

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