Sep­tem­ber 2015
Speak­ing Calendar
To engage me to speak to your orga­ni­za­tion, or to hear me speak at an upcom­ing event on the cal­en­dar below, con­tact my team at
Ogden, UT Sep­tem­ber 1 (3 events)
Salt Lake City, UT Sep­tem­ber 15
Chica­go, IL Sep­tem­ber 17


Mark Eaton and Coach Frank Layden
Be A Professional
Do you have trou­ble stay­ing focused on your top pri­or­i­ties? Are you spend­ing time com­plain­ing or get­ting frus­trat­ed? Dur­ing my ear­ly years in the NBA I was for­tu­nate enough to be coached by the great Frank Lay­den. Frank was a fan­tas­tic coach and a hard­work­ing Brook­lyn-born pro­fes­sion­al. One thing Frank did not tol­er­ate was com­plain­ing. As a young play­er I did­n’t ful­ly under­stand what it meant to be a pro­fes­sion­al. If I made a mis­take on a play or threw an errant pass, I would get vis­i­bly frus­trat­ed, throw a wrist­band, and get down on myself. Frank would imme­di­ate­ly stop me and say, “You made a mis­take. Nobody cares! Don’t com­pound that mis­take with anoth­er mis­take. Get your­self down the court and get ready for the next play.” I was spend­ing so much time frus­trat­ed about what had just hap­pened that I was­n’t able to focus on my job and be there for my team. My past mis­takes were cre­at­ing bar­ri­ers that pre­vent­ed me from doing my best in the present. Frank helped me change my par­a­digm and my career soared!
Stop the Com­plain­ing. No Excuses.
In busi­ness today it is impor­tant to remove dis­trac­tions to make your team as effi­cient and suc­cess­ful as pos­si­ble. There is an old adage that says sim­ply, “Time is mon­ey.” That means time spent doing any­thing oth­er than that which makes your busi­ness work will cost you and your team mon­ey, includ­ing com­plain­ing. Cer­tain­ly every­one has moments of frus­tra­tion and irri­ta­tion. Per­haps it’s a small thing like the print­er get­ting jammed or los­ing an inter­net con­nec­tion in the mid­dle of a project. Maybe some­one has made an unkind remark or there is some­thing non-work relat­ed that has your atten­tion. What­ev­er it is, com­plain­ing about and putting ener­gy in to what’s not work­ing takes your focus away from your pri­or­i­ties. Ulti­mate­ly, this costs you and the com­pa­ny time and mon­ey. So stay focused, stop the com­plain­ing, and prosper!
Action Step
Over the course of the next week cre­ate a tal­ly of how many times a day you com­plain while at work. Set a goal to com­plain few­er times each suc­ceed­ing week.
Then watch your pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and atti­tude improve! If com­plain­ing is a com­pa­ny cul­ture you’d like to get rid of call me to help you!
We appre­ci­ate hav­ing you on our team and ask that if you know of com­pa­nies look­ing for an out­stand­ing speak­er to present at their upcom­ing meet­ing or event, please rec­om­mend they con­tact us at 435–565-1585 or

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