Mark’s New Book is a Slam Dunk!

The Four Commitments of a Winning Team

To Be Released April 3rd, 2018. — $20.95

The Four Com­mit­ments of a Win­ning Team enables indus­try lead­ers, teams and indi­vid­u­als to out­smart, out­last and out­per­form their com­pe­ti­tion and achieve record-break­ing suc­cess. In this book Mark shares the lessons he learned in his incred­i­ble jour­ney from a 21-year-old auto mechan­ic to a record-break­ing NBA All-Star, dis­tilled into a sim­ple but pow­er­ful plan of action. This book will help you—whether you’re a CEO, team leader, or individual—inspire, strength­en, and moti­vate you and your team to out­per­form your com­pe­ti­tion and achieve record-break­ing success. 
  • The Four Commitments of a Winning Team (MP3 — Immediate Download)

    The Four Commitments of a Winning Team (MP3 — Immediate Download)


    This mP3 is the per­fect way to hear Mark’s mes­sage or rein­force his insights and wis­dom after a pre­sen­ta­tion. This inspi­ra­tional and thought pro­vok­ing record­ing is a great way to lis­ten on the go from your iphone, mp3 play­er, com­put­er or tablet.

  • The Four Commitments of a Winning Team Artwork

    The Four Commitments of a Winning Team Artwork


    Inspire every­one in your work­place every day! Dis­play The Four Com­mit­ments of a Win­ning Team in your office and moti­vate your team to start play­ing a big­ger game. Reward employ­ees or rec­og­nize cus­tomers with a gift that ignites the will to succeed.

    8.5″ x 11”

  • The Four Commitments of a Winning Team CD

    The Four Commitments of a Winning Team CD


    This CD is the per­fect way to intro­duce employ­ees to Mark’s mes­sage or rein­force his insights and wis­dom after a pre­sen­ta­tion. This inspi­ra­tional and thought pro­vok­ing record­ing also makes an excel­lent moti­va­tion­al gift to reward employ­ees or rec­og­nize the con­tri­bu­tion of your clients, ven­dors or cus­tomers and friends.

  • The Four Commitments of a Winning Team Poster

    The Four Commitments of a Winning Team Poster


    Keep The Four Com­mit­ments of a Win­ning Team front and cen­ter for your team and office with this dis­tinc­tive, high qual­i­ty 18″ x 24″ moti­va­tion­al poster. This pow­er­ful mes­sage and action shot of Mark Eaton will make a great impres­sion in your work space and reinforce
    The Four Com­mit­ments of a Win­ning Team:

    • Know Your Job.
    • Do What You’re Asked to Do.
    • Make Peo­ple Look Good.
    • Pro­tect Others.
  • The Four Commitments of a Winning Team Book

    The Four Commitments of a Winning Team Book


    Release date of April 3, 2018.

    The Four Com­mit­ments of a Win­ning Team enables indus­try lead­ers, teams and indi­vid­u­als to out­smart, out­last and out­per­form their com­pe­ti­tion and achieve record-break­ing suc­cess. In this book Eaton shares the lessons he learned on his incred­i­ble jour­ney from a  21-year-old auto mechan­ic to a record-break­ing NBA All-Star, dis­tilled into a sim­ple but pow­er­ful plan of action. Mark’s mes­sage is ide­al for those look­ing to inspire, strength­en and moti­vate their team, increase com­mit­ment between co-work­ers, and cre­ate an envi­ron­ment of safe­ty and trust.

  • Autographed Stats Basketball

    Autographed Stats Basketball


    Each full size (29.5″) auto­graphed stats bas­ket­ball features:
    1) An action pic­ture of Mark
    2) Mark’s NBA career achievements
    3) Mark’s career statistics
    4) Auto­graph pan­el with Mark’s autograph

  • The Four Commitments of a Winning Team Autographed Poster

    The Four Commitments of a Winning Team Autographed Poster


    The ulti­mate gift for the exec­u­tive who has it all! Rec­og­nize your VIP with this stun­ning high qual­i­ty 18″ x 24″ poster signed by Mark Eaton. Make an impres­sion and make a dif­fer­ence. Share the excite­ment and pow­er of Mark’s mes­sage with this inspir­ing and unique poster.

    18″ x 24″

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