Wel­come to Slam Dunk Tips! My newslet­ter designed to help you, and your busi­ness, become more suc­cess­ful. I share my pas­sion to help lead­ers lead and teams to succeed.

Speak­ing Calendar
To engage me to speak to your orga­ni­za­tion, or to hear me speak at an upcom­ing event on the cal­en­dar below, con­tact my team at wecare@7ft4.com.
Jan 17, 2017        Park City, Utah
Jan 18, 2017        Salt Lake City, Utah
Jan 19, 2017        Drap­er, Utah
Jan 20, 2017        Fort Mor­gan, Colorado
Jan 24, 2017        Man­hat­tan Beach, California
Jan 30, 2017        Dal­las, Texas
Feb 2,  2017         Orem, Utah
Feb 7,  2017         Las Vegas, Nevada
Feb 9,  2017         Mia­mi, Florida
Feb 27–28, 2017   Napa, California
Does the hol­i­day sea­son and end of the year crunch to hit num­bers raise the stress lev­el of your team?  If so, you’re not alone.
For­tu­nate­ly, there is a way to relieve that stress, ral­ly your team, and help oth­ers in the process.
Dur­ing my first few years with the Jazz, our coach and GM Frank Lay­den required us to attend numer­ous char­i­ta­ble func­tions and out­reach pro­grams. He did this for three rea­sons. First, it increased our vis­i­bil­i­ty and brand recog­ni­tion dur­ing a recessed mar­ket. Sec­ond, he want­ed to help the play­ers under­stand how for­tu­nate we were to play in the NBA. And third, he want­ed us to learn to serve others.
Whether it was help­ing chil­dren at ele­men­tary schools or vis­it­ing a prison, Frank took great pride to ensure we were a fran­chise who gave back to our community.
It was­n’t always easy or con­ve­nient to spend so much of our time on these events when our job as bas­ket­ball play­ers had an exhaus­tive sched­ule of its own. How­ev­er, the result of that time spent togeth­er, serv­ing our com­mu­ni­ty, was noth­ing short of remark­able. We always felt bet­ter after going. Those expe­ri­ences bond­ed us like no time on the court could. We became much clos­er as team­mates and friends.
Over the past 30 years, many of my fel­low team­mates and I have cre­at­ed non-profit
orga­ni­za­tions and per­formed ran­dom acts of kind­ness that have ben­e­fit­ed thou­sands of peo­ple in our com­mu­ni­ties. Frank’s ear­ly ini­tia­tive and vision was the cat­a­lyst which inspired his play­ers to con­tin­ue good deeds to this day.
Ser­vice is a stress reliev­er! Try it with your team. Imag­ine the impact you could have.

Action Step

Do you have a favorite char­i­ty? Cre­ate a ser­vice project or fundrais­er that ral­lies your team togeth­er! Sched­ule a Spring project with Habi­tat for Human­i­ty or some­thing sim­i­lar. Many cor­po­ra­tions and asso­ci­a­tions add a ser­vice project as a core part of their annu­al meet­ings. Com­ing togeth­er for a com­mon cause will increase rap­port, improve morale and cre­ate endur­ing relationships.

“Mark always deliv­ers, 110% of the time, which is why he remains a favorite of IBM and Drury designs.” ‑Direc­tor, Drury Enter­tain­ment Group“Captivating and engag­ing!” Pres­i­dent, Lar­ry H. Miller Group“Entertaining & inspir­ing. Sur­passed expec­ta­tions!” ‑Senior VP, Cae­sars Entertainment

Mark has a def­i­nite GIFT! He made me laugh, cry and feel moti­vat­ed to improve myself.” ‑Employ­ee Spe­cial­ist, Utah State University

To See More Tes­ti­mo­ni­als Click https://7ft4.com/?page_id=21


We appre­ci­ate hav­ing you on our team and ask that if you know of com­pa­nies look­ing for an out­stand­ing speak­er to present at their upcom­ing meet­ing or event, please rec­om­mend they con­tact us at 435–565-1585 or wecare@7ft4.com.

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