The Four Commitments of a Winning Team Plus

Create action plans now!

You’ve heard Mark’s keynote and you’re ready to put the Four Com­mit­ments into action. With this inter­ac­tive pre­sen­ta­tion there’s no need to wait. This dynam­ic break­out ses­sion will ramp up the action, out­comes and ener­gy of your team!

You will craft dynam­ic action plans on the spot that will:

  • Elic­it extra­or­di­nary com­mit­ment day after day
  • Cre­ate a col­lab­o­ra­tive and inno­v­a­tive organization
  • Elim­i­nate con­flict and inter­nal com­pe­ti­tion in the workplace
  • Infuse you and your team with the ener­gy nec­es­sary to pro­duce out­stand­ing outcomes

You and your team will return to work empow­ered by com­mit­ments and strate­gies you can imple­ment imme­di­ate­ly to achieve your most impor­tant goals. Call for details! 800–998-7067


We recommend him highly every chance we get.”


Mark always deliv­ers, 110% of the time, which is why he remains a favorite of both IBM and Drury Designs Dynamics.”

Mark Felix

Direc­tor, Drury Enter­tain­ment Group


Not only did Mr. Eaton entertain our customers and meet our expectations, he surpassed them!”


Of the six ses­sions we pre­sent­ed at this event, Mr. Eaton’s “Four Com­mit­ments” pre­sen­ta­tion was ranked the high­est and enjoyed the most by our atten­dees; may I assure you this is not an easy feat.”

Michael A. Massari

Senior Vice Pres­i­dent, Cae­sars Entertainment


We’ve enjoyed many individual success stories since Mark’s talk, as well as major team wins.”


Our Cus­tomer Ser­vice group just received the #1 rank­ing in our indus­try by employ­ing many of the con­cepts Mark deliv­ered to our group.”

Kevin M. Kempin

President/CEO, HEAD North America

Thank you for bringing such positive energy to my team!”


I high­ly rec­om­mend ‘The Four Com­mit­ments of a Win­ning Team’ to any busi­ness look­ing for team build­ing pro­grams that real­ly work.”

Marc Christensen

Man­ag­er, OTW Safety


Our members left the meeting inspired, motivated and, most importantly, with clear action steps to create their own winning teams!”


Our indus­try is com­prised of exhi­bi­tion and meet­ings indus­try pro­fes­sion­als, as well as meet­ing plan­ners, whom have all heard hun­dreds of speak­ers in their careers. Mark’s pre­sen­ta­tion was a huge hit and received high marks!”

Larry Arnaudet

Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Exhi­bi­tion Ser­vices & Con­trac­tors Association

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